For the church, His amazing bride, this mystery is now revealed.

The journey outlined in The Wilderness of God is a map to follow and a course to run. It’s a passageway of surprises that will provoke thought, challenges, and create questions. The answers will be found in His wilderness as you travel with Him and discover the unveiling of a glorious mystery.

“The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” — Colossians 1:26-27

For the church, His amazing bride, this mystery is now revealed. You have been His plan all along. As you read, prepare to enter, prepare to inherit, and prepare to possess what He has for you.

Purchase your copy of The Wilderness of God: The Legacy of the Bride COMING SOON —

  • “The Wilderness of God“ is an exciting and inspirational walk through the wilderness adventure that highlights the hidden riches to be found there. Hope, healing and true intimacy with the father is ours when we choose to embrace the wilderness journey, and trust him to reveal his purpose and plan for our lives!

    Denise Hall

  • "In his book, The Wilderness of God, The Legacy of the Bride, John Paty lays a detailed foundation, layer upon layer, revealing God’s path for man from the Wilderness to becoming the Bride of Christ. His ability to identify patterns in Biblical history and explain their meaning and relevance is a rarity."

    Penny Renfroe, Author, Threads of the Father: Weaving His Words into Our Daily Lives

  • "John Paty’s book is inspired by the Holy Spirit to a bride who is questioning her beliefs .John reveals groundbreaking truths to us about who we are , what we are here for ,and where we are to rule .Allow Johns work to shake, and challenge your beliefs , as you journey with your Heavenly Father."

    Hans Chaddick

  • "John Paty takes us through an incredible journey in his latest book 'The Wilderness of God: The Legacy of the Bride'. As I read through the pages, I found rich and thought provoking scriptures and context. John helps us all understand the journey of God's wilderness and our finally destiny 'the Amazing Bride'.

    Lyle Mason